Thursday, October 28, 2004

Top Ten Reasons Why The Law Student Crossed The Road

Thanks go to Captain Kate of the 5th Armed Bucket Brigade for coming up with the topic! Without further ado, the list!

13. To get to the casebook.

12. To get to class.

11. To get to the coffee.

10. To avoid being called on.

9. To get to the library.

8. To escape the subpoena.

7. To get to the highlighters.

6. To take out a contract on a law student or professor.

5. To get to the cell phone.

4. To flee the country.

3. To flee from campus security.

2. To get to the injured person who obviously requires counsel to represent him/her in a tort (for negligently failing to provide a safe walking space) against the business outside which he/she slipped and sprained his/her ankle (and presumptively incurred emotional distress).

1. To get to the law degree!