
Welcome to A Season of Mists! 

There are more than likely two primary reason that you find yourself here:

1. You were killing time on Google and happened to enter an obscure search phrase for which we have a relevant post,


2. You are a fan of the book, The Sandman: Season of Mists, by Neil Gaiman

However you found us, we're glad you're here!

What can you expect from A Season of Mists?

This blog is a product of the interns at a small marketing agency in Denver, Colorado. We find the title fitting because, as college students and interns, we are all in our own season of mists. We know that we are moving forward, but, like when a great mist surrounds you, our precise direction is a bit of a mystery.

Here you will find bits and pieces from our experiences as we navigate through the mist that is college and young professionalism. Posts from Nick, Erica, and Lexi, will be marked as such. We hope you enjoy our work and can relate to our experiences. Please feel free to leave comments and we will be sure to respond in a timely fashion. All inquires may be directed to aseasonofmists [at] gmail [dot]com.

Disclaimer: This blog was originally created by Alan and operated by Alan from July 29, 2004 to April 11, 2013. Said content (c)2004-2013 Alan. He may be contacted at AgtShadow [at] gmail [dot] com.