Friday, October 20, 2006


As might be expected (and was), I have run out of time. So here's the short version.

My cousin is getting married on Saturday in Houston. (There's a contingent of relatives, cousins, who live in Houston.) So I'm flying down today and coming back next Tuesday.

I'm pretty excited about this trip. Weddings are usually fun. I haven't been to Texas before (at least not in a non-only-passing-through-the-airport way). I'll see relatives I haven't seen in a long time - as long as 10+ years. I'll get to see what life is like (somewhat) down in Texas. I'll get to see what my cousins are like in their home environment. (Trust me - well worth the price.)

All in all, a good time I predict. I've got my iPod, a new digital camera, my cell phone, a tuxedo for the wedding (black tie optional - I'm dressing to impress, or at least make an impression), I'm good to go.

But first I must finish gathering things and packing. No sweat.
