Except nowadays I'm feeling this.. push, like I should start looking for a gorgeous female to date et al. I'm also kind of tired of going stag to weddings and of leading a solitary life.
So I shall venture forth and see what I shall see. Of course every word I type here is another minute I avoid surfing over to the free dating site of choice and choosing a viable
I should have worked for Hallmark.
Hi, this is a spleen. And, oh, here's a Hallmark card for your birthday. Cheers!
Yes, that last line made little-to-no sense, even to me. Yeah, I'm a little anxious here. So many reasons to be a coward and wimp out. One reason not to.
So I shall venture forth where I have not dared. I don't know how much I'll write here. Mayhaps I shall disclose all. Mayhaps I shall disclose little. If the past is any indicator, you shall be hearing the sordid details of my fantastic triumphs/failures in due course.
But for now, I am off. Woman, you have been warned. I go forth to victory or defeat, head held high, with hope and faith as my guides.
ADDENDUM: Message-1a is away! I sent it to a Yale biochem grad student who, based on her profile, shares some of the same interests. I wonder what will happen... Let's call this girl1 (in the naive presumption that there will not be a girl2, girl3 or girl 4). Further updates as events warrant. [10:34 PM]