Modified IMDB Plot Summary:
Walter Davis is a workaholic. His attention is all to his work and very little to his personal life or appearance. Now he needs a date to take to his company's business dinner with a new important Japanese client. His brother sets him up with his wife's cousin, Nadia, who's new in town and wants to socialize. However, Walter fails to take seriously a warning that Nadia tends to lose control when drunk. Needless to say, what begins with a bottle of champagne ends with a night that Walter, and Nadia, is not likely to forget.I really liked this one. It's absolutely hysterical! A true 80's comedy complete with Bruce Willis and Kim Basinger. John Larroquette as the ex-boyfriend is perfect! And Kim Basinger as an out-of-control, wild brunette? If you have to ask, you shouldn't bother. All I can say is that this is truly a hilarious 80's comedy and well worth a viewing/rental if you like the genre.
ALAN'S MOVIE REVIEW: DVD-Worthy if you like 80's Comedies.